Grandma said we came to the farm to ride out the coronavirus crisis. Seeing my mother Toto was a big plus. But the best thing… I mean, THE BEST THING, is that I found the love of my life.
Her name is Jackie. She looks a little rough around the edges, but I only see a princess. She is SO CUTE and SO SWEET! I wanted to take her for a ride around the farm, but Grandma said we needed to be chaperoned. She was watching out for Jackie because she knows how I can just “take over” things, or people, or dogs, and wherever I am.

Grandma says I have stars in my eyes. She’s never seen me smitten like this, which makes her laugh. I asked her about the name Jackie, and Grandma said, “Well, there was a President Kennedy who had a wife nicknamed ‘Jackie.’ She was much respected and treated like royalty. She was a real class act.”
“That’s just like MY Jackie!” I squealed.
Grandma scratched her head on that one. “I’m not seeing it,” she muttered. “But, oh well…”
Jackie was in heat when we met. When I made my advances, she snapped at me. I’m a lover, not a fighter, and didn’t understand. But Grandma told me a girl wants to be respected, which means “No means no, Petey.”
I have NEVER liked the word “No.”
Things are settled down now, and Grandma is letting me get better acquainted with this little gal. She’s a tough one. Actually, she’s a lot like Grandma when I met her- stubborn, independent, likes to do her own thing. It took a few years, but Grandma has come around to my way of thinking, which is, I’m the center of the universe.
I know how to work the ladies.
Jackie acts disinterested as though she doesn’t want me in her space. But a wild girl like her wants a guy who will protect her. So I sit nearby in my position that Grandma calls, “The Watcher.”

My confidence and high intelligence communicate that I know what I’m doing. Jackie still resists, but patience does its work.

It takes some time, but as Grandma watches, she’s impressed at my persistence. She has often commented on my short attention span so this is remarkable.
“Yeah, but not when it comes to girls!” I explain.

Me: I do not respond. No need to state the obvious.
I’m so glad to be home. Every deputy (see last week’s post) needs a good-looking, scrappy gal that plays hard to get.

I’ve found mine.
Oh Petey, Andy and I are so happy for you! We knew the day would come when you would find the lady of your dreams. Jackie looks so elegant and proper.
We’re hoping we get to meet Jackie some day. Of course we have to wait til this pandemic is over. It would be difficult for us to stay at least six feet away from you, Jackie and Grandma!
Stay healthy and safe, Petey! We love you guys!!