After my first winter with Grandma, the snow finally melted, and she said we were going camping. We’d be gone for several days, so she gave me a bath the night before because she didn’t want a stinky dog in her tent. She loaded the Trailblazer, including her cat Mosie, and off we went. I…
Month: October 2019

2 Getting Results
Grandma let me out first thing this morning. “Go take care of your business,” she said. “Why do you call pooping ‘business’?” I asked. “I grew up in Mississippi, and that’s what my grandmother called it. When I was a little girl, my tummy would be hurting and she’d say, ‘Go take care of your…

1 Wild Boy
Grandma likes to go on long walks called hikes. I go along to watch out for her. Our walks may not be what you think…