Grandma proofs my typing before I post online, and she asked me to let my readers know she accepts responsibility for “her side of the street,” in that she gave me way more chances than what I deserved. She had never known a dog could be so headstrong, defiant and opinionated. Though she recognized these…
7 Mayhem, again!
After days of imprisonment, Grandma let me free in the house. But she kept a leash on me so that if I tried to dash out the door, she could stomp her foot on the leash to catch me before I disappeared. She got pretty good at it, actually, causing me to cut a backward…
6 Cougar Bait
Grandma kept me at home for a couple of weeks after the dog squishing embarrassment. I escaped once, dashing out the door when she opened it. Just before then, a friend had called her, saying a cougar was found under the neighbor’s porch and the wildlife department was trying to capture it. When I ran…
5 You’re Not the Boss of Me
Grandma did NOT know what to do with me and my headstrong ways. She’s a solution-oriented person. If there’s a problem, she believes in finding an answer and moving on. Whining and complaining are not what she does, although venting to a friend in order to clear her mind is often necessary. The first problem…
4 It Wasn’t Me!
Grandma was reading this week’s Chieftain newspaper. I was sleeping on my pad under the table. The newspaper rustled, her chair scooted back and she stuck her head under the table. “Petey,” she asked in her wehavetotalk voice. “Where were you on November 1?” “What day was that?” I asked, not opening my eyes. “Last…
3 Gotta Love Dirt!
After my first winter with Grandma, the snow finally melted, and she said we were going camping. We’d be gone for several days, so she gave me a bath the night before because she didn’t want a stinky dog in her tent. She loaded the Trailblazer, including her cat Mosie, and off we went. I…

2 Getting Results
Grandma let me out first thing this morning. “Go take care of your business,” she said. “Why do you call pooping ‘business’?” I asked. “I grew up in Mississippi, and that’s what my grandmother called it. When I was a little girl, my tummy would be hurting and she’d say, ‘Go take care of your…

1 Wild Boy
Grandma likes to go on long walks called hikes. I go along to watch out for her. Our walks may not be what you think…